Then as clear as the buzz, I realized I needed to rouse myself out of my comfortable bed and get the fly swatter. I had to make an effort to find and finish it.
If you've tried to find a loud fly in a full room, you know it can be quiet a challenge, even funny if you are in the right frame of mind. (I wasn't.) But as I washed my hands after removing the dead fly, the light came on.
Prayer is good. Always. But I needed to do my part in getting rid of what was bothering me--even if I was dog tired.
I was to be part of the answer to my prayer. I had to be willing to get out if my comfort zone, fetch the tool to deal with the disturbance, and aim to get rid of it. Aim and swat.
Reminds me of 'Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and act according to his good purpose' (see Philippians 2:12-13).
We work WITH God. Sometimes The Lord says, Do nothing yet. Be still. Sometimes He says, Get up and do what I tell you.
It's a partnership, and He's the one with all the wisdom. So when He shares it, I best do my part.
He might part a Red Sea, or He might position a loud fly so I can deal with it.
My God is so practical! I fell asleep with a big smile.
What is your annoying fly? When you pray about it, what comes to mind? (Wait? Act? Specifics?)
What tools can you access to deal with it? (E.G. Is there a scripture promise you can count on?)
How can you co-operate with God's Spirit?
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