RETREAT SERIES (Available through Host Churches*)
- Being transformed through the scriptures.
- Being transformed through prayer.
- Being transformed though worship.
- Being transformed through using my spiritual gifts.
- Being transformed through sharing my faith
- Being transformed through difficult relationships.
(*To host the retreat series and receive special rates, please contact me.)
To see "My Heart for Spiritual Retreats" Video, please click on link on side bar
Though my retreats are often with women, I also present to mixed groups, including service groups. It would be my pleasure to give you more information including fee structure and planning ideas for your retreat or special event.
God's wisdom to lead spiritually formative events.
Hands on study enables participants to keep growing their spiritual lives. Journaling or group discussion clarifies content and helps build relationships among the participants. Silent reflection invites the Holy Spirit's insights. I use various exercises depending on the format and focus of the event, and encourage participation in accountability groups beyond the retreats.
See Also: