Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Delightful Discoveries

Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4, NIV '84).

As I meditate on that verse, some questions arise:

           How do I delight in the Lord? What helps me be intentional about it?
           What do I discover about God's character as I do so?

This is a 'when-then' verse. When I make the Lord my joy--enjoy conversation with Him, notice and appreciate His gifts, count on His help--then He fulfills my longings.

This verse runs like a deep river. The light sparkling on the surface invites us to experience its depth. We may swim well, but it is wise to put on the safety jacket of the Holy Spirit's guidance as we jump in. Strength, wisdom and joy of being a part of something stronger than ourselves will bring delight.

We can't experience the strength and exhilaration of the river until we are willing to immerse our weakness in its strength. Regular immersion in God's river will strengthen our muscles, defog our minds, and fill us with joy ... scare us too sometimes. We don't get past debris by passively floating. We must actively read the water, think carefully, and exercise faith. Whether or not our adrenaline runs high, our Creator uses all opportunities for us to experience Him.

Often, after an arduous stint, the bend reveals new delights.


After meditating on Psalm 37 and especially verse 4, how would you answer the questions above?

What aspect of delighting in the Lord has brought you joy?

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