Saturday, January 19, 2013

Clarify Goals

Blogging gurus have great advice: blog often, invite others to participate, blow your own horn, and get involved in other social media. I watch others do it, but I don't want to jump into that circus. I don't know that it's just because I'm an old dog. I think fuzzy motivation makes for fuzzy performance.

So, I'm asking my Lord Jesus to help me clarify my goals--including the goal of this blog.

Sure, I want to blog to God's glory (Colossians 3:17). But I have to discern a narrower focus. So I am currently praying for clarity and confirmation.

As God's friends, He trusts us to bring His presence to others using the gifts and opportunities He gives. To participate fully, we get to co-operate in goal setting and execution.

When it's hard to find time or be disciplined, we may have to clarify or refocus on our goal. We can ask help from friends and the best Friend of all. Our Jesus kept His eye on the joy of finishing His God-given task (Hebrews 12:1-3).

To help me in this process, would you let me know:
  1. What topics interest you?
  2. What challenges you face?
  3. What would make this better?

I will treasure your answers. And your prayers. Thank you. 


Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross (Hebrews 12:2, NIV '84).

How does riveting your eyes on Jesus Christ help your motivation? What did He do regarding His mission that you might imitate?

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