Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Letter To A Friend

My dear friend,

Your note struck home with me. Reminded me of times the accuser gets in my face taunting me with my own shortcomings.

The Lord reminds me that because we have experienced Christ's forgiveness and are journeying to freedom, we are truly bearers of good news.  If we had no struggles, we could not empathize with each other.

I pray that the Lord will help you STAND while He purifies you. I know it's hard... even excruciating at times. We need the LORD's protection to keep the enemy from gaining ground. The conniver would like to pummel us into the ground, tell us how worthless we are -- poor representatives of fabulous good news.

Humility and trust are hard lessons to learn.

HARD lessons -- but so worthwhile. They are gained by dying to our preferences and discovering Christ's power, humility, and faithful love.

I agree. This is not an easy journey. But the Holy Spirit faithfully teaches and reminds us we can't do it on our own. He loves to help us!! Praise Him.

Praise Him quietly.
Praise Him loudly.
Praise Him as you wash dishes.
Praise Him as you help with homework.

Praise Him as you love.
Praise Him as you are loved.
Praise Him when you feel unloved.
Praise from a broken and contrite heart.
Praise Him for He is WORTHY of our best praise.

May Christ's peace and transforming presence keep you from beating up on yourself.

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