Do you remember the last time you purchased a Bible? If you live in the west, you probably perused the bookstores and the internet, asked your friends which study Bible they preferred, prayed over your decision, thumbed through the pages, and finally purchased the one you chose.
We take that process for granted. We western Christ followers still have easy access to the best seller in the world. But its life giving words are not so easily accessible to many--including those hated for following Jesus.
Sadly, in our politically correct world, we've backed off sharing life-giving words because of fear of offense. Or some other hurdle. All the while this treasure sits in our homes (sometimes in our hearts), begging to be released to accomplish God's purpose to bless many.
Easy access has borne apathy.
We have a different sense of urgency when we have five Bibles on our shelves as opposed to a smuggled sheet torn from one Bible shared among underground Christ followers.
Instead of apathy, let's ask God for a renewed urgency to share the difference Christ makes.
God says NOW. Now is the time of God's favor. Now is the day of salvation. (See 2 Corinthians 6:2)
Read 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 in its larger context.
What is the day of salvation? How are you involved?
Thank you, Paula. I needed just this tonight.
Thank you Paula for reminding us of the treasure we have.
Thanks, Alex and Elizabeth.
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