Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cupped Ear

"Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard" (Daniel 10:12, NIV).

Hard times alert us to turn to God.

When circumstances weigh on our emotions like an elephant on a potato, we become excruciatingly aware that we need help. We search for understanding. A potato is no match for an elephant.

It takes humility to agree that the situation is beyond our capacity to conquer. But as we come to the One who humbled Himself to serve us (Philippians 2:6-8), we look into eyes of wisdom and hear His comforting word: He has heard us. Humility and tenacity put us in touch with the Savior. They provide answers from God's eternal perspective.

God is listening for our call. In fact, like the prodigal father (Luke 15:17-20), God is waiting for us to come to Him for help. His ear is cupped in our direction.

As we humble ourselves and search for understanding, God sends His messengers to our aid.

Even if we don't see them right away.


Do you have a hard time asking God for help? What gets in the way of humbling yourself before God or searching out His perspective on a matter?

You may be experiencing a delay in hearing God's answer. Read Daniel 10-12 and search for insight to your situation.

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