Monday, February 4, 2013

Treasure Hunt

I was hunting for a verse in Psalm 119 before going to the book of Colossians. My Bible opened to Daniel where an underlined sentence grabbed my attention.
There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries (Daniel 2:28, NIV).
I refreshed my memory with the context. Daniel and his friends desperately needed divine intervention so they could discern and interpret the king's dream and save their lives.
When I read Psalm 119:18, Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law, it was as if Daniel’s God, the Revealer of Mysteries, shone His spotlight on the page. So, I released a fresh breath of anticipation as I headed to Colossians.

"Mystery" was my next clue on this treasure hunt. Very aware of the mysteries ahead in our transition of housing and job, I searched for more clues in Colossians.

Historically, God revealed mystery through His law. Then as Christ revealed Himself, His followers discovered that He—Himself--is God's mystery revealed! Christ in us, the hope of glory! (Colossians 1:26-27.)

The Revealer of Mysteries will make His ways known. The Lord of Daniel, David, and Paul does not change. He revealed dreams, battle strategies, presentations, and navigational routes.
Christ in us still reveals mysteries. As we search out His ways, He leads us to amazing treasure. Each spotlights breathtaking discovery: Christ in us, the hope of glory.


 How does God reveal Himself to you through "Christ in you, the hope of glory?"


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