Monday, June 14, 2010

How to Share Your Comments

For those of you who have mentioned that you read my blog, thank you for your encouragement. Several, though, have said they didn't know how to post comments.

Look for the "comments" link at the bottom of each post. Click on it and you'll get a screen where you can share your thoughts. You may share annonymously or you may give your name. (I like to know who I'm talking with, but would prefer an anonymous thought to none at all.)

I'm very thankful for the people who already share their thoughts with me. Extrovert that I am, it makes me feel as if I am connecting in a meaningful way. So join us, won't you?

I will be moving to Muncie the end of this month, so I probably won't post for a few weeks in favor of packing and more packing. I'll appreciate your prayers as we transition.

Have a great summer!

For Your Consideration

When you communicate with God, what helps you best hear the Holy Spirit's input?

Shorn Hair and The Holy

In place of her flowing hair a feathered headband cupped her recently shaved head. She didn't look as if she was on the other side of cancer, so I wondered why this dramatic transformation.

I went to hug her and commented on the half inch growth framing her bright face. She was astonished that I didn't know that Peter had a bout with cancer, and she had shaved her head to stand with him.

The more her story unfolded, the more I was aware that the ground underneath me was burning.

"Now I know how Abraham could sacrifice his Isaac," she told me. "I got to the place where I understood anything God did was good and for Peter's best. So I'd pray that God would have his complete way in his life. If he needed to vomit, let him."

Shirley stepped a foot away and continued. "Then I'd put on my Mommy hat and ask the Lord to please have mercy on him. Please don't let him be wiped out by the vomitting."

I sensed the weight of what had happened. Not only had her hair been shorn. Her will had been. And out of releasing her hair and her son -- both familiar and beautiful -- had come a greater beauty.

Her broken heart had expanded. Her shattered dreams had kaliedoscoped. Her best desires for her son had been replaced by a Desire much greater: complex beyond comprehension, yet thoroughly good.

I thought I was going to hear about a hair cut. Instead, I stood in the presence of the Holy.

For Your Consideration

What would be a costly sacrifice for you? How do you think God might provide (or has already provided) for you to live confidently in your shorn moments?

(See Genesis 22 for Abraham and Isaac's experience with costly worship.)

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I was the worst mother when I refused to allow my then chubby 12 year old to wear a stylish but short skirt. I was firm, but she pressed back with everything she had.

I knew it was hard to find stylish clothes to fit her, so I knew my input was devastating. More than wanting her to feel pretty, I wanted her to dress tastefully and understand modesty.

I agreed: we’d ask her father’s input. He was a fair man and had balanced my more stringent cultural background on different occasions, so she had a shred of hope.

When he agreed that the outfit was unbecoming for our daughter, her eyes flashed and her words nailed the air with disgust.

However, it became a marker in her life. Despite the anger she felt, she remembers that we cared enough to stand up for her best.

Sometimes God insists on His way despite what we've clearly told Him was best. Thankfully, our anger does not deter His goodness ... and we live to thank Him.

That’s when we look back and appreciate the firm Kindness that covered us.

For Your Consideration

"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts"
(Isaiah 55:9, NIV)

Can you recall an incident that seemed devasting but which actually worked to your benefit in the long run?