Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Praying for the Reader

Most High God, Creator, Immortal One...

Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lovely Savior, God with us...

Would you please engage us where we may feel alone, tired, or discouraged?

Emmanuel, refresh us by revealing to us the glorious Light of your presence.

Whisper in our ears the Living Word that we need. Please help us place our ears by your mouth. Let your speech be heard in our quiet places, and give us wisdom to know what to do about it all.

May we see your glory and rejoice that you are the God who neither leaves us nor withholds what we need.

We choose to praise you Lord, and we anticipate your faithful revelations for our good and for your awesome glory.

Through Jesus Christ, the Lamb who links us with your holy presence...

May it be.

Revelation 5:12-14; Revelation 19:16; Hebrews 13:5-6; Isaiah 50:4; 1 Peter 1:22-25; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Psalm 19; Psalm 23; Psalm 91: 14-16.


shauna said...

good post. thought provoking.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shauna,Enjoyed scanning your blog too.
Thanks for your help yesterday!!