Monday, December 3, 2012

Favor With God

"The Annunciation" c.1898
by Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859-1937) American artist

It was an ordinary day. Mary may have been washing dishes or preparing a meal. She may have been studying the scriptures she loved so well. But Gabriel's greeting brought consternation enough that he had to calm her. "Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God."

Favor with God? She wasn't perfect. She knew her shortcomings in contrast with the holy God who had often spoken to her through the Jewish scriptures. Now there was this amazing creature speaking God's message to her.

Highly favored by God. God, the Lord, with her: words to savor for days and years.


Meditate with me on some of the Lucan passage as we prepare for Christ's birth.
Read Luke 1:26-30

Has the Lord ever broken into an ordinary day with an unusual message? What was it?

Pay attention to ways that your Creator has shown you favor. When you notice and thank God for favor, do you become aware of anything else?

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