Monday, August 20, 2012


So Long Insecurity: you've been a bad friend to us.

The Beth Moore title I was reading addressed the ugliness that we sometimes see in ourselves. The following thought arrested my reading and hoisted a flag. It's not that we need to pretend we are perfectly beautiful or lovely. But God, perfectly beautiful and lovely, has chosen to live in us despite our imperfections. His presence makes lovely places.

"How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD Almighty" (Psalm 84:1, NIV).

I know I am God's dwelling place, but this nuance joined some dots to draw a new vision of glory. I have imagined the magnificent throne room where the glory of God emanates, also the newly dedicated Jewish temple where the Shekinah (presence) of God overwhelmed the priests. Experiencing God's holiness, they fell on the faces. I too, have fallen on my face as I worshiped, my living room transformed into a holy place. Lovely.

But me, a lovely place? My being made lovely by the King of Glory's presence?

Each time I look at this new flag waving spiritual insight, I smile at the lift it brings. Lovely! I am lovely. Amazing grace. My soul longs for more of the Lord's presence. What He fills, He transforms. His glory fills the place.

Fill me, Lord. I am lovely, because YOU are lovely!


Read Psalm 84 quietly and invite the Lord Almighty to reveal the beauty of His presence.

View the loveliness of the living God filling you. Bask in that presence and receive the gift.

Stay close to the altar -- you and all that concerns you (see verse 3). Count the blessings from trusting His presence.

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