Thursday, January 22, 2009


Imagining someone’s eyes jump with new light as God’s Spirit removes curtains that keep us from seeing. This gives me reason to blog, unfamiliar territory for me.

My passion is to see people find exquisite care from their loving Creator. My heart sings when I see the deep realization register on faces, seeping beyond mind to spirit, bringing assurance of God’s love and care for them personally. This Jesus thing is not a hoax, but a very real encounter with a living, holy Personality who wants to do us good.

As a Christ-follower, I marvel at the supernatural changes in my life that have come with experiencing Christ’s presence and love. My spiritual growth and transformation have often come through exploring places I had not initially desired, and while I’d been taught a high regard for God’s Word expressed in the Holy Bible, I had not always made my heart available. Nor did I know how.

So, I invite you to sojourn with me through this new venture. My prayer is that while the Lord continues to transform me, God will use this to encourage you to pursue your transformation into the image of Christ. Perhaps, together, we will discover new rooms of God’s grace, enjoy the furnishings, and invite others to this heart opening pilgrimage.

Because of grace…


John said...

Thank you for being obedient to God's call. Your willingness to open up your heart and life to us is amazing! You are a blessing and encouragement to me as I seek Christ's tranaforming power in my life.

Keep serving Him and I look forward to your future postings!


Kaye Hanna said...

This is exciting!