A 'sweet, sweet Spirit was in the place' from the beginning of the day. At every turn I recognized answered prayers and remembered the large number of people who were praying with me.
It seemed Jesus was walking through the room as we worshiped, looked at Scripture, examined ourselves, and prayed for one another.
If you prayed for us, enjoy these comments as part of the fruit of your prayers also. We are incredibly blessed to be a part of drawing people to a fresh experience of God's transforming love.
You have no idea how much God blessed me by using you to minister to my heart on Saturday. From asking me to read Scripture aloud, to teaching me Lectio Divina, to encouraging me with your sweet words later.... you blessed my soul. Thank you! --Rachel
You took me away from the every day into His loving arms. Thank you, thank you. Loved your visuals, both the cross and crown and imagining being washed clean.... Thanks so much for all you do to help others grow in Christ. -- Jan
What a peaceful, but explosive, quieting, but invigorating day! Thank you Lord!!! -- Cynthia
I experienced God’s love through His people, through you, Paula, and in the way you presented a loving Heavenly Father. -- Carol
I would love have an opportunity to talk with you about planning and facilitating a spiritual refresher. If you contact me*, I'd be happy to brainstorm with you and discern how we might synchronize with the work God is already doing in your area!
*Contact via comments on blog, e-mailing me at transformingword@sbcglobal.net, or calling 765-284-2125.